Could the Sleepwrap pose any danger to my baby?

Not at all.

Since its conception in 1976 and delivery onto the world market in 1992 hundreds of thousands of babies worldwide have slept safely in the original, clinically proven Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap and little HEADwedge without a single reported death or injury amongst users!

Provided the Safe T Sleep Sleepwrap is used according to the very simple instructions, the Sleepwrap cannot put baby at risk. This has been established by its proven extensive safety record, product testing and fully accredited Independent Hospital clinical trials. Earlier trials also included many Child Health Professionals such as members of the Royal New Zealand Plunket Society, Karitane Family Units, NZRN Nurses (Community and Hospital), NZ Parent Centre, NZ Playcentres, Pediatricians, General Practitioners, Counsellors, Behavioral, Developmental and Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Midwives, Ante and Post Natal Tutors, Occupational Therapists, Management of Maternity and Neonatal Services at National Women’s Hospital, National Women’s Hospital Parent Care Support Group for Premature and High Risk Infants Inc. and from the subsequent feedback from these trials.

Also see FAQ #2.